Website Translations

Translate any type of Website

Website translation is a necessary investment

In an increasingly international, outward-looking world, expert and efficient website translation services will allow your business to reach a vast number of potential clients, reach out to new markets, and boost your online profile significantly.

Although English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world and many people read and understand it, cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and distortions of your message. A professional translation is a necessary step to properly represent your brand internationally. ITS can translate your website into the languages ​​of your choice and offers flexible solutions for the translation of your web content.

Whether it be towards one key language whose market you aim to break into, or any number of the many global languages we translate into, our website translation and localization services by website translators who are tech-savvy and familiar with traditional and modern terminologies, help businesses across a range of sectors branch out beyond their usual circle of customers.

Why use our translation services to translate your website?

Partial and complete website translations

Many companies understand that they need to translate their website to reach a wider international audience. However, it is not always necessary to translate the entire site. ITS also offers partial translations of only the most important content of your site. Our services are tailored to your company’s specific needs.

SEO-oriented translation of your content

Apart from the visible content of your website such as articles, sales pages, and product pages, we can assist you with translating meta tags and image descriptions. Proper translation and localization of your site’s SEO content is essential to guarantee the best possible visibility on the web, resulting in more traffic to your site and ultimately more client engagement.

Translation within your source code or MS Word format?

Customers generally send their site content in Word format. This is our preferred format for translation documents and is the least expensive. However, it could potentially take longer to integrate the content into your site, so there is the second option of using connectivity technology with CMS solutions like WordPress.

Website translation in the language you request

 If you’re thinking about expanding internationally, translating your website is a logical first step. Creating French, German, or Spanish versions of your site will allow you to reach a larger audience. Providing localized content in your readers’ native language gives you the edge when it comes to earning their trust and giving your company credibility.